- Student-centered
- project-based
- cross-curricular
- teacher collaboration
- student collaboration
- student/teacher buy-in
- anyone welcome
- technology-based
What we need to know
- how do teachers find time?
- how do we incorporate students with special needs?
- how do we accommodate various pacing/scaffolding?
- how do we teach collaboration?
- what types of technology do we need in our building?
- how do we address learning styles?
- what is project based learning?
- where do we get the materials?
- how do we design a project?
- how do we keep them on task?
- how much direct instruction is involved?
- how much of it leaves the classroom and moves into the community for something more authentic?
- what components do we already have?
- can we see an example of how a high school like this works?
- how much redesign is involved - what are we looking at for as an end result? stand alone school or school within a school?
- how does the lab component fit into the science aspect?
- how does the guidance aspect work in new tech?
- how do you get the student buy-in? is this assigned or do they self select this?
- discipline problems?
- student/teacher ratios
- teacher accountability - standards based learning and assessments - standardized testing??? HSAP? EOC? etc.
How have the goals of education changed?
- agriculture = subjects; industry = workers; service = citizens; knowledge = entrepreneurs
- We are in a society that stands between service and knowledge - creating citizens and entrepreneurs
In the 21st cent
- Information is abundant
- students learn to create and problem-solve
Top 5 New-Hire Skills
- Oral communication
- teamwork/collaboration
- professionalism/work ethic
- written communications
- critical thinking
New Tech High was started by the business community in Napa Valley. It was designed to mirror the workplace through the use of real-world projects, relevant technology, and "professional" interactions. It became an engine for economic development.
The New Tech Approach
Culture That Empowers
- Trust, Respect, and Responsibility
- students "own" their school
- students consider the school their community
- openly and actively involve students in the government and decision making process
- students are respected - no passes or bells
- teachers collaborate with one another
Teaching That Engages
- Project information phase: 1) starts with an entry document - introduces the project and provides real-world context; end result 2)knows and needs to know (don't only focus on the content but also the execution
- Group Planning
- Research and Investigation
- Formal Teaching
These things keep going through the wheel (process)- they keep going through the process as needed.
Then it moves to
- Drafting solutions
- Final presentation
- Reflection (and then you might go back through the process if needed)
Non-traditional requirements
- digital media
- college courses
- senior projects
- professional digital portfolios
- internships and community service
- integrated courses (some courses are stand alone courses)
Technology That Enables
- technology is the tool, not the focus
- PeBL - Web portal - Online tool for teachers and students at New Tech high schools
- grading - common assessment practices (rubrics - weighting) across the curriculum. For example, having a common rubric for oral communication no matter what class you're in (math, science, English, etc).
From a teacher's perspective
- bring the community in to the classroom and allow them to evaluate
- small group workshops (for direct instruction)
- kids work in teams and have team leaders
- leader sheets/team collaboration sheets - what the group accomplished for the day, what the plan is for the next day, grade teammates on professionalism skills, etc.
- Project briefcases - administrative things first, contains entry documents, other pieces of the projects, resources, lectures, articles, websites [all is transparent for students to see - unless you lock them, i.e. tests, quizzes, etc.]
- new tech coach - someone that helps develop projects?
- Sharing space - where teachers can share any and everything
- Project library - projects that have been evaluated and approved by New Tech
- Resource library - rubrics, documents, tutorials, procedures, group collaboration documents, etc.
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